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马涛 反刍动物营养与饲料团队
主要主要从事肉羊营养需要量和幼龄反刍动物健康调控技术研究,作为主要完成人制订了我国《肉羊营养需要量》行业标准。主持国家自然科学基金、重点研发计划等科研项目8项,获北京市、农科院、中国发明协会等奖励;第一作者在ISME Journal、Journal of Dairy Science等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。
Tao Ma, Wentao Li, Eduardo Cobo, et al. Assessment of microRNA profiles in small extracellular vesicles isolated from bovine colostrum with different immunoglobulin G concentrations. JDS Communications. 2022;3:328-333.
Tao Ma, Rahat Zaheer, Tim A. McAllister, et al. Expressions of resistome is linked to the key functions and stability of active rumen microbiome. Animal Microbiome. 2022;4:38.
Tao Ma, Kai-dong Deng, Yan Tu, et al. Recent advances in nutrient requirements of meat-type sheep in China: A review. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2022;21(1):1-14.
Tao Ma, Tim A. McAllister, Le Luo Guan. A review of the resistome within the digestive tract of livestock. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2021;12:121.
Tao Ma, Clothilde Villot, David Renaud, et al. Linking perturbations to temporal changes in diversity, stability, and compositions of neonatal calf gut microbiota: prediction of diarrhea. ISME Journal. 2020;14:2223-2235.