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石波 新兽药与免疫调控团队
主要从事功能性碳水化合物等新型饲料添加剂的研究工作,搭建了行业领先的寡糖类饲料添加剂的筛选、制备与体外活性评价技术平台。以第一主持人主持完成10余项包括国家自然基金面上项目、国家“863”、国家“十二五”科技支撑项目、国家“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目课题、农业部“948”重大专项等科研课题。获2020年度国家科技进步二等奖1项(第6完成人),2015年度北京市科学技术奖二等奖1项(第2完成人),2013年度中国农业科学院科学技术成果二等奖1项(第2完成人),2011年度中国农业科学院科学技术成果一等奖1项(第3完成人)。和日本东京大学、日本国家食品综合研究所建立了良好的合作关系,开展了深入的学术交流活动。获国家发明专利6项,发表科研论文50篇,其中SCI 19篇。累计培养博、硕士研究生14名,已毕业10名。
(1) Lan Ma , Xiaoqing Xu , Qing Peng , Shuo Yang , Yuwei Zhang , Dandan Tian , Linbo Shi ,Yu Qiao *, Bo Shi*.Exopolysaccharide from Lactobacillus casei NA-2 attenuates Escherichia coli O157:H7 surface adhesion via modulation of membrane surface properties and adhesion-related gene expression. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2022, 173: 105863.
(2) Xiaoqing Xu, Qing Peng, Yuwei Zhang, Dandan Tian, Pengbo Zhang, Ying Huang, Lan Ma, Vermont P Dia, Yu Qiao*, Bo Shi*. Antibacterial potential of a novel Lactobacillus casei strain isolated from Chinese northeast sauerkraut and the antibiofilm activity of its exopolysaccharides. Food Funct, 2020 , 11(5):4697-4706.
(3) Xu Xiaoqing; Peng Qing; ZhangYuwei; Tian Dandan; Zhang Pengbo; Huang Ying; Ma Lan; Qiao Yu*; Shi Bo*. A novel exopolysaccharide produced by Lactobacillus coryniformis NA-3 exhibits antioxidant and biofilm-inhibiting properties in vitro. Food & Nutrition Research, 2020, 64: 3744.
(4) Tian Dandan, Xu Xiaoqing, Peng Qing, Wen zhiguo, ZhangYuwei, Qiao Yu*; Shi Bo*. In vitro fermentation of arabinoxylan from oat (Avena sativa L.) by Pekin duck intestinal microbiota. 3 Biotech, 2019, 9(2): 54.
(5) Dan DanTian, Xiao Qing Xu, Qing Peng, Yu Wei Zhang, Peng Bo Zhang, Yu Qiao*, Shi Bo*. Effects of banana powder (Musa acuminata Colla) on the composition of human fecal microbiota and metabolic output using in vitro fermentation. J Food Sci, 2020,85(8):2554-2564.
(6) Wang Kaiqiang; Peng Qing; Qiao Yu; Li Yang; Suo Decheng; Shi Bo*. Different glyceollin synthesis-related metabolic content and gene expressions in soybean callus suspension cultures and cotyledon tissues induced by alginate oligosaccharides. Process Biochemistry, 2018, 73:188-196.
(7) Peng Qing; Zhang Mimin; Gao Long; Eromosele O; Qiao Yu; Shi Bo*. Effects of alginate oligosaccharides with different molecular weights and guluronic to mannuronic acid ratios on glyceollin induction and accumulation in soybeans. J Food Sci Technol, 2018, 55(5):1850-1858.
(8) Li Yang; Su Xiaoou; Peng Qing; Qiao Yu; Shi Bo*. Method for determination of streptomycin and streptidine as markers for streptomycin industrial dregs monitoring in pig and poultry compound feeds. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 2016, 1035:84-90.