薛 敏
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薛敏 饲料加工与质量安全创新团队
薛敏博士,研究员,中国农业科学院饲料研究所饲料加工与质量安全创新团队首席专家,中挪饲料加工合作实验室中方牵头人,棉籽蛋白资源研究中心主任,国家重点研发“蓝色粮仓”项目课题负责人。开创性地将饲料原料的营养和加工特性有机结合,形成饲料加工-营养代谢调控学科组。致力于研究新型非粮蛋白资源开发,肉食性鱼类蛋白源和脂肪源替代相关的摄食、生长调控和代谢性疾病研究;亲本与仔稚鱼营养调控及膨化饲料加工等方面的研究。膨化饲料数字化加工技术及鱼虾微颗粒配制技术等成果已转让多个知名企业,相关产品市场稳定上升。担任现代农业产业技术体系北京市渔业创新团队鲟鱼、鲑鳟鱼营养岗位专家。同时担任全国动物营养指导委员会委员,全国饲料评审委员会委员;全国饲料标准化技术委员会委员;中国高科技产业化研究会饲料分会副理事长;中国水产学会水产动物营养与饲料专业委员会委员;北京水产学会营养与饲料专业委员会主任;《Animal Nutrition》,《Aquaculture Nutrition》,《Frontiers in Marine Science》,《Antioxidants》,《动物营养学报》等杂志编委,多个国际刊物审稿人等社会兼职。
1. Wang J#,Chen L# & Xue M*. C1 gas protein: A potential protein substitute for advancing aquaculture sustainability. Reviews in Aquaculture. 2022;1‐19.
2. Chen P., Zhu Y.P., Wu X.F., Gu X., Xue M.*, Liang X.F.*, Metabolic adaptation to high-starch diet in largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) was associated with the restoration of metabolic functions via inflammation, bile acid synthesis and energy metabolism, British Journal of Nutrition, 2022.
3. Shifeng Ma, Xiaofang Liang, Pei Chen, Jie Wang, Xu Gu, Yuchang Qin, Christophe Blecker*, Min Xue*, A new single-cell protein from Clostridium autoethanogenum as a functional protein for largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ), Animal Nutrition, 2022.
4. Ma S., Wang H., Yang J., Li J., Xue M.*, Cheng H., Zou F., Blecker C*., Effects of Clostridium autoethanogenum protein inclusion levels and processing parameters on the physical properties of low-starch extruded floating feed, Aquaculture Reports, 2022, 23(101030).
5. C. Ge, H. Cheng, J. Li, H. Wang, S. Ma, Y. Qin, M. Xue*, Effects of defatted yellow mealworm ( Tenebrio molitor ) on the feed qualities and the growth performance of largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ), Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 2022.
6. Liang X.F., Chen P., Wu X.L., Xing S.J., Morais S.*, He M.L., Gu X., Xue M.*, Effects of high starch and supplementation of an olive extract on the growth performance, hepatic antioxidant capacity and lipid metabolism of largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ), Antioxidants, 2022, 11, 577.
7. Ma S., Wang H., Li J., Xue M. *, Cheng H., Qin Y., Blecker C.. Effect of the ratio of wheat flour and cassava and process parameters on the pellet qualities in low starch feed recipe extrusion, Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2021, 271(114714).
8. Wei H.C., Xing S.J., Chen P., Wu X.F., Gu X., Luo L., Liang X.F.*, Xue M*., Plant protein diet-induced hypoimmunity by affecting the spiral valve intestinal microbiota and bile acid enterohepatic circulation in Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii). Fish shellfish immuno.,2020, 106, 421-430.
9. Wei H.C., Chen P., Liang X.F., Yu H.H., Wu X.F., Han J., Luo L., Gu X., Xue M*., Plant protein diet suppressed immune function by inhibiting spiral valve intestinal mucosal barrier integrity, anit-oxidation, apoptosis, autophagy and proliferation responses in amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii). Fish and Shellfish Immunology.,2019, 94, 711-722.
10. Liang X.F., Han J., Xue M.*, Yu H.H., Huang H.Y., Wu X.F., Zheng Y.H., Qin Y.C.*, Liang X.F., Growth and feed intake regulation responses to anorexia, adaptation and fasting in Japanese seabss, Lateolabrax japonicas when fishmeal is totally replaced by plant protein, Aquaculture, 2019, 498, 528-538.