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马涛 反刍动物营养与饲料创新团队
主要从事肉羊营养需要量和幼龄反刍动物健康调控技术研究。主持国家自然科学基金等项目10项,获北京市科技进步奖等奖励6项;第一或通讯作者在ISME Journal等期刊发表论文40余篇,H-index 21;在美国应用微生物学会(ASM)、美国动物科学协会(ASAS)、欧洲动物生产协会(EAAP)等主办国际会议做大会或分会场报告10余次,入选2024年全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单;作为主要完成人出版专著2部、制订国家及行业标准4项,获授权发明专利4件。
马涛(主编). 畜禽饲用豆粕减量替代和低蛋白日粮技术. 中国农业科学技术出版社,2024.
Yunlong Liu, Xiaopeng Li, Qiyu Diao, Tao Ma*, Yan Tu*. In silico and in vitro studies revealed that rosmarinic acid inhibited methanogenesis via regulating composition and function of rumen microbiota. J Dairy Sci, 2024;107:7904-7917.
Yunlong Liu, Morteza H. Ghaffari, Tao Ma*, Yan Tu*. Impact of database choice and confidence score on the performance of taxonomic classification using Kraken2. aBiotech, 2024;5:465-475.
Tao Ma, Rahat Zaheer, Tim A. McAllister, Wei Guo, Fuyong Li, Yan Tu, Qiyu Diao, Leluo Guan*. Expressions of resistome is linked to the key functions and stability of active rumen microbiome. Animal Microbiome. 2022;4:38.
Tao Ma, Tim A. McAllister, Leluo Guan*. A review of the resistome within the digestive tract of livestock. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 2021;12:121.
Tao Ma, Clothilde Villot, David Renaud, Skidmore A, Chevaux E, Steele M, Leluo Guan*. Linking perturbations to temporal changes in diversity, stability, and compositions of neonatal calf gut microbiota: prediction of diarrhea. ISME J. 2020;14:2223-2235.