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皮宇 猪营养与饲料创新团队
2008.09-2012.07 安徽科技学院 动物科学专业 本科生
2012.09-2015.07 扬州大学 动物营养与饲料科学专业 硕士生
2013.06-2015.03 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所 客座硕士生
2015.09-2019.07 南京农业大学 动物营养与饲料科学专业 博士生
2019.09-2021.07 中国农业大学 & 播恩集团股份有限公司 博士后
2021.08-2022.12 中国农业科学院饲料研究所 助理研究员
2023.01-至今中国农业科学院饲料研究所 副研究员
主要从事猪消化道微生物方向的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、中国博士后科学基金、中国农科院创新工程及院企合作项目等科研项目10余项;发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Microbiome、mSystems、Microbiology Spectrum等期刊发表SCI论文16篇;获授权专利2件、软件著作权1件;获第二届杨胜营养科技创新奖1项;担任Frontiers in Microbiology杂志副主编以及ISME Journal、British Journal of Nutrition、Journal of Integrative Agriculture等杂志审稿人。
[1] Pi Y., Wu Y.J., Zhang X.Y., Lu D.D., Han D.D., Zhao J.C., Zheng X.J., Zhang S.Y., Ye H., Lian S., Bai Y., Wang Z.Y., Tao S.Y., Ni D.J., Zou X.H., Jia W., Zhang G.L., Li D.F. & Wang J.J.* (2023) Gut microbiota-derived ursodeoxycholic acid alleviates low birth weight-induced colonic inflammation by enhancing M2 macrophage polarization. Microbiome , 11:19.
[2] Li Y.P., Cai L., Bi Q.Y., Sun W.J., Pi Y*., Jiang X.R. & Li X.L. * (2024). Genistein alleviates intestinal oxidative stress by activating the Nrf2 signaling pathway in IPEC-J2 cells. Veterinary Sciences , 11: 154.
[3] Wei Z.X., Xu L., Guo Y., Guo B.Z., Lu C.X., Sun W.J., Li Y.P., Jiang X.R., Li X.L.* & Pi Y.* (2024). Evaluation of available energy and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in fermented flaxseed meal for growing pigs. Animals , 14: 228.
[4] Chen W.N., Yin C.G., Li J., Sun W.J., Li Y.P., Wang C.W., Pi Y*., Cordero G, Li X.L. & Jiang X.R.* (2023) Stimbiotics supplementation promotes growth performance by improving plasma immunoglobulin and IGF-1 levels and regulating gut microbiota composition in weaned piglets. Biology , 12: 441.
[5] Xu, L., Wei, Z.X., Guo, B.Z., Bai, R., Liu, J., Li, Y.P., Sun, W.J., Jiang, X.R., Li, X.L. & Pi, Y.* (2022) Flaxseed meal and its application in animal husbandry: A review. Agriculture , 12: 2027.
[6] Xu L., Li Y.P., Wei Z.X., Bai R., Gao G., Sun W.J., Jiang X.R., Wang J.J., Li X.L.* & Pi Y.* (2022) Chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) promoted intestinal epithelial cell proliferation by regulating cell cycle progression and mitochondrial biogenesis in IPEC-J2 cells. Antioxidants (Basel), 11: 2285.
[7] Pi Y, Zhang X.Y., Wu Y.J., Wang Z.Y., Bai Y, Liu X.Y., Han D.D., Zhao J.B., Tobin I, Zhao J.C., Zhang G.L. & Wang J.J.* (2022) Alginate alleviates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis by promoting Bifidobacterium animalis and intestinal hyodeoxycholic acid synthesis in mice. Microbiology Spectrum , 10: e0297922.
[8] Pi Y., Mu C.L., Gao K., Liu Z., Peng Y. & Zhu W.Y.* (2020) Increasing the hindgut carbohydrate/protein ratio by cecal infusion of corn starch or casein hydrolysate drives gut microbiota-related bile acid metabolism to stimulate colonic barrier function. mSystems , 5: e00176-20.
[9] Pi Y., Hu J., Bai Y., Wang Z.B., Wu Y.J., Ye H., Zhang S.Y., Tao S.Y., Xiao Y.P., Han D.D., Ni D.J., Zou X.H. & Wang J.J.* (2021) Effects of dietary fibers with different physicochemical properties on fermentation kinetics and microbial composition by fecal inoculum from lactating sows in vitro . Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 101: 907-917.
[10] Pi Y#., Gao K#., Peng Y., Mu C.L. & Zhu W.Y.* (2018) Antibiotic-induced alterations of the gut microbiota and microbial fermentation in protein parallel the changes in host nitrogen metabolism of growing pigs. Animal , 13: 262-272.
[11] Gao K#., Pi Y#., Mu C.L., Peng Y., Huang Z. & Zhu W.Y.* (2018) Antibiotics-induced modulation of large intestinal microbiota altered aromatic amino acid profile and expression of neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus of piglets. Journal of Neurochemistry , 146: 219-234.
[12] Pi Y., Gao S.T., Ma L., Zhu Y.X., Wang J.Q., Zhang J.M., Xu J.C. & Bu D.P.* (2016) Effectiveness of rubber seed oil and flaxseed oil to enhance the alpha-linolenic acid content in milk from dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science , 99: 5719-5730.