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王杰 饲料加工与质量安全创新团队
2009.09 – 2013.06 湖南农业大学 水产养殖, 学士
2013.09 – 2016.06 中国海洋大学 水产养殖, 硕士
2016.09 – 2021.04 挪威生命科学大学(NMBU) 兽医学, 博士
2021.07 – 2023.12 中国农业科学院饲料研究所 博士后
2024.01 – 至今 中国农业科学院饲料研究所 副研究员
研究方向为新型饲料蛋白生物创制与应用;水生动物胆汁酸代谢与肠道微生物互作。国家重点研发“现代牧场”青年科学家项目首席,博士后国际交流引进人才,先后获得国家重点研发“现代牧场”、新疆重点研发、新疆重大专项、博士后面上等项目资助。分别在Biotechnology Advances、Reviews in Aquaculture、Animal Nutrition、Animal Microbiome、Aquaculture等国际期刊发表研究论文30余篇;授权发明专利2项;长期担任《Animal Nutrition》、《Aquaculture》、《Antioxidants》等多个国际刊物审稿人等。
1.Xu J#, Wang J#, …Xue, M. and Li, D., 2023. Embracing a low-carbon future by the production and marketing of C1 gas protein. Biotechnology Advances , p.108096.
2.Wang J#,Chen L# & Xue M. C1 gas protein: A potential protein substitute for advancing aquaculture sustainability. Reviews in Aquaculture . 2022;1‐19.
3.Xie X, Liang X, Wang H, Zhu Q … & Wang, J*. (2023). Effects of paraprobiotics on bile acid metabolism and liver health in largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) fed a cottonseed protein concentrate-based diet. Animal Nutrition , 13, 302-312.
4.Song, T., Liang, X., Wang, H., Xue, M., & Wang, J*. (2024). Gut microbiota-bile acid crosstalk and metabolic fatty liver in spotted seabass ( Lateolabrax maculatus ): The role of a cholesterol, taurine and glycine supplement. Animal Nutrition , 17, 87-99.
5.Wang J, Mai KS, and Ai QH. "Conventional Soybean Meal as Fishmeal Alternative in Diets of Japanese Seabass ( Lateolabrax japonicus ): Effects of Functional Additives on Growth, Immunity, Antioxidant Capacity and Disease Resistance." Antioxidants . 2022;11. 5: 951.
6.Wang, J, … Alexander JT & ?shild K. "Gut health and microbiota in out-of-season Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) smolts before and after seawater transfer under commercial Arctic conditions: Modulation by functional feed ingredients." Frontiers in Marine Science . 2022; 402. (
7.Xie, XZ, Wang J*, & Xue M. Cottonseed protein concentrate as fishmeal alternative for largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) supplemented a yeast-based paraprobiotic: Effects on growth performance, gut health and microbiome. Aquaculture . 2022; 737898.
8.Wang J#, Si W#, Du Z, Zhang J. and Xue M., 2022. Antioxidants in Animal Feed. Antioxidants , 11(9), p.1760.
9.Wang, J., Alexander JT, & ?shild K. (2020).Microbiota in intestinal digesta of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ), observed from late freshwater stage until one year in seawater, and effects of functional ingredients: a case study from a commercial sized research site in the Arctic region." Animal Microbiome . 2021;3.1: 1-16.
10.Wang, J., Kortner, T. M., & ?shild K. (2020). Gut immune functions and health in Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) from late freshwater stage until one year in seawater and effects of functional ingredients: A case study from a commercial sized research site in the Arctic region. Fish & Shellfish Immunology . 2020;106, 1106-1119.
11.Wang, J., Lei, P., & ?shild K. Rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) intestinal epithelial cells as a model for studying gut immune function and effects of functional feed ingredients. Frontiers in immunology . 2019; 10, 152.
12.Wang, J., X, Xiao., Liu, Y., Liu, J., Liang, X., Wang, H., ... & Xue, M. (2024). Growth, Antioxidant Capacity, and Liver Health in Largemouth Bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) Fed Multi-Strain Yeast-Based Paraprobiotic: A Lab-to-Pilot Scale Evaluation. Antioxidants , 13(7), 792.
13.王杰; 薛敏; 王昊; 梁晓芳 ; 一种饲料加工工艺过程智能管理系统及方法, 2024-11-23, 中国, 202410891276.7 (中国发明专利)