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李秀梅 中草药饲料化利用研究课题组
长期从事中草药及其提取物饲料添加剂的研究与开发工作。致力于中草药及其提取物饲料添加剂研究与开发过程资源筛选、提取工艺、功效物质、有效性评价、作用机理、标准制修订等的研究。主持省部级及以上课题4项,横向课题8项,参与国家重点研发计划等项目4项。以第一/通讯作者在European journal of medicinal chemistry、Journal of Ethnopharmacology、Txoins等期刊发表文章20多篇;作为第一发明人申请国家发明专利18件,已获得授权国家发明专利8件;作为副主编出版著作2部;参与制定中药材饲料团体标准2项;获得黑龙江省科技进步三等奖和齐齐哈尔市科技进步二等奖。
[1]Wei Tian, Juan Yang, Jiahong Dou, Xiumei Li(通讯作者), et al. Interbatch quality control of the extract from Artemisia frigida Willd . by spectrum-effect relationship between HPLC fingerprints and the total antioxidant capacity. International Journal of Food Properties, 2022, 25(1):541-549.
[2]Juan Yang, Wei Tian, Yuefei Liu, Xiumei Li(通讯作者), Quality evaluation of the extract of aerial parts from Atractylodes lancea based on fingerprint and chemometrics. International Journal of Food Properties, 2022, 25(1):422-434.
[3]XiuMei Li, ZhongYuan Li, YaDong Wang, et al. Quercetin Inhibits the Proliferation and Aflatoxins Biosynthesis of Aspergillus flavus. Toxins 2019, 11(3), 154.
[4]XiuMei Li, Jing Liu, FangFang Pan, et al. Quercetin and aconitine synergistically induces the human cervical carcinoma HeLa cell apoptosis via endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress pathway. PLOS one, 2018, 13(1):e0191062.
[5]Xiu-Mei Li, Xue-Gang Luo, Chuan-Ling Si, et al. Antibacterial active compounds from Hypericum ascyron L. induce bacterial cell death through apoptosis pathway. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 96:436-444.
[6]Xiu-Mei Li, Xue-Gang Luo, Nan Wang, et al. The extract of Hypericum ascyron L. induces bacterial cell death through apoptosis pathway. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2015, 166:205–210.
[7]李秀梅,杨培龙,张同存,等. 槲皮素和乌头碱联合用于制备治疗宫颈癌药物的应用及治疗宫颈癌药物. ZL 201711276446.7.
[8]李秀梅,杨培龙,潘方方,等.一种长裂苦苣菜生物碱提取方法. ZL 201810115834.5.
[9]李秀梅; 戴小枫; 杨娟,等. 苍术茎叶HPLC指纹图谱质量评价方法. CN202111476188.3.
[10]李秀梅; 杨培龙; 石冬冬, 等. 冷蒿萃取物其制备方法和应用. CN202010624540.
[11]李秀梅; 杨培龙; 石冬冬,等. 具有抗炎作用的冷蒿醇提取物及其制备方法和应用. CN202010624551.0.
[12]副主编,《药食同源天然植物饲料原料与应用》,中国农业出版社, 2021.