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戴东 家禽营养与饲料创新团队
研究方向为蛋鸡营养健康与鸡蛋品质调控。获批2023年度国家资助博士后研究人员计划和中国农业科学院博士后“优农计划”特别资助项目。以第一作者在Microbiome、Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology、Poultry Science等期刊发表SCI论文6篇,累计影响因子44.1。
Dai D, Wang J, Zhang HJ, Wu SG, Qi GH. Uterine microbial communities and their potential role in the regulation of epithelium cell cycle and apoptosis in aged hens. Microbiome, 2023, 11(1).
Dai D, Qi GH, Wang J, Zhang HJ, Qiu K, Han YM, Wu YY, Wu SG. Dietary organic acids ameliorate high stocking density stress-induced intestinal inflammation through the restoration of intestinal microbiota in broilers. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2022, 13(1).
Dai D, Qi GH, Wang J, Zhang HJ, Qiu K, Wu SG. Intestinal microbiota of layer hens and its association with egg quality and safety. Poultry Science, 2022, 101(9): 102008-102008.
Dai D, Wu SG, Zhang HJ, Qi GH, Wang J. Dynamic alterations in early intestinal development, microbiota and metabolome induced by in ovo feeding of L -arginine in a layer chick model. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2020, 11(1).