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付宇 家禽营养与饲料创新团队
研究方向为蛋鸡骨骼和蛋壳品质调控。获批中国博士后科学基金第76批面上资助。以第一或共一作者在Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology、Animal Nutrition、Poultry Science、Journal of Integrative Agriculture等期刊发表SCI论文7篇;授权实用新型专利1项(排名第二)。
1. Fu Y, Zhou JM, Schroyen M, Zhang HJ, Wu SG, Qi GH and Wang J. Decreased eggshell strength caused by impairment of uterine calcium transport coincide with higher bone minerals and quality in aged laying hens. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology , 2024, 15:37.
2. Fu Y, Zhou JM, Schroyen M, Lin J, Zhang HJ, Wu SG, Qi GH and Wang J. Dietary supplementation with calcitriol or quercetin improved eggshell and bone quality by modulating calcium metabolism. Animal Nutrition , 2024, 18:340-355.
3. Fu Y, Zhao DR, Gao LB, Zhang HJ, Feng J, Min YN, Qi GH and Wang J. TMT-Based quantitative proteomic analysis reveals age-related changes in eggshell matrix proteins and their correlation with eggshell quality in Xinyang blue-shelled laying hens. Poultry Science , 2025, 104:104661.
4. Fu Y, Zhang HJ, Wu SG, Zhou JM, Qi GH and Wang J. Dietary supplementation with sodium bicarbonate or sodium sulfate affects eggshell quality by altering ultrastructure and components in laying hens. Animal , 2021,15(3):100163.
5. Zhou JM#, Fu Y#, Uchechukwu EO, Wang J, Zhang H, Li XB, Qi GH and Wu SG. Supplementation of serine in lowgossypol cottonseed meal-based diet improved egg white gelling and rheological properties by regulating ovomucin synthesis and magnum physiological function in laying hens. Journal of Integrative Agriculture , Available online 22 September 2023. (Co-first authors).